Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Discotheque’s Problematic?

Our country is birth place of Gross National Happiness (GNH) which was innate from the heart of form King, His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck. In the GNH land of our country, the people of different ages do not consider our country as GNH’s birth place.
Discotheque in pour country gained famous over the years. Discotheque is the place where people from various areas grouped together and dance and enjoy drinks. The people of different age groups gather there for peel off their hectic mind refresh with optimum enjoyment with friends and strangers.

In the city of Thimphu, there are numerous Discotheques which attracts more than hundreds of people. In Paro too, there are countable Discotheques which magnetize people from around the town and also from village nearby. There are several Discotheques across the country which has intension of magnetizing the people to enjoy there, which ultimately help make income.

Tens and hundreds of people assemble at Discotheque. They stay there for few hours enjoying dances and drinks. When it is to shut, the people gathered came out of the discotheque, the intoxicated people then start yelling in the town disturbing residences in town and nearby areas. 

These days, Thimphu and Paro is extremely cold at night, but how the people can bear the extreme cold wearing short clothes exposing half of their bodies outward. They wear thick jacket to keep their upper half warm but think about lower half with skirt. I am wondering about the people of these days. 

Some married couples too enjoy in Discotheque keeping their children at home with baby sitter or house maid. They did not concern for the children at home eagerly waiting for the parents. Both husband and wife act same as they enjoy their life to the fullest where they have their own partners apart from marital life.

Though, they enjoy the life which leads to happiness in their life. But to create happiness in their life they never think that they are ruining the happiness of the neighbors. Does Discotheque help me to generate Happiness in my life? This question should be asked by everyone who enjoys in Discotheque by ruining others happiness.

During Wednesdays and Saturdays, the people who live in town areas does not enjoy good sleep as now and then party goers disturbs the sleep. They uproars and sings in the town loudly. Some people wakes up, shout against them but they tried to use slang words back. 

Drinking and dancing is one of the most enjoying parts of the life. The families at home are considered as minor importance in their life. Some youths today never listen to their parents because; they are addicted to drinks and discotheques. It’s truly unimaginable for all of us.

I have noticed numerous times where young boys and girls walk together holding each other. Some boys from another direction start mocking the girl, stating “Bum Jarim” which led to exchange boxing.  The girls use to smile and laugh at them while fight broke out. Some girls encourage their partners to bash them. 

When intoxicated boys fight among themselves, they use wood piece and stones and even other weapons which eventually hit on the vehicles parked in the town areas. The vehicles parked around too is not safe during Wednesdays, Saturdays and Occasions. 

Some people are caught by the police on the spot which lead them to police custody. They are charged under the felony of the particular laws. These finally give pressure to their parents and relatives. 

How much they are charged of such, they do not think of their parents and relatives. They just keep continuing with what they were doing prior to. 

Therefore, the Gross National Happiness is not fulfilled in the birth place. To GNH come true in the Bhutanese society, we the people of Bhutan should always think in same way and avoid un-societal chores. The odd jobs that people try to come up with really affect the country these days. 

We are Bhutanese with creativity and intelligence; we are respected by the people from around the world. We can do everything by ourselves, we should not think, unaccepted examples of other countries to exist in our country. Our country is unique, unique country should always keep unique.

Today, the people around the world are visiting our country to see how the people in this small and land locked country is working to be on own foot. 

This is Bhutan which is unique and unique from everything. Stop howling at night and quit visiting Discotheques.

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