Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Importance of Mipham Kabum Wang-Lung

Mipham Rinpoche, 1846-1912
Phuentsholing, the south-western Bhutan was crowded for last more than one and half months. The people from various parts of the country and also people from around the world congregated there to receive Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo’s Wang (Empowerment) and Mipham Kabum Wang-Lung (Empowerment and Oral Transmissions) administered by His Holiness Kyabje Namkhai Nyingpo Rinpoche. The Wanglung was started on 5th December, 2013 for almost two months.

During more than month and half, Rinpoche bestowed Wang-Lung which comprises Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo’s empowerment and Mipham Wang-Lung that includes the entire works of Kunkhyen Mipham Rinpoche. Rinpoche bestowed entire Wangs of Mipham Rinpoche on 19th January. 

Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo was born in 1820 and passed away in 1892. In 19th Century in Tibet he was a well-known Teacher, Scholar and Terton. Rinpoche was one of the secretions of Manjushri and also Kui Namtrul (Body Manifestation) of Kunkhen Rigzin Jigme Lingpa (Kunkhen Rigzin Jigme Lingpa’s Kabum Wang-Lung was bestowed at Gelephu in 2012 to 2013 by H.H. Kyabje Namkhai Nyingpo Rinpoche). 
Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo had number of disciples that includes Mipham Jamyang Namgyal Gyamtso, Jamgon Kongtrul, Dodrupchen -3rd, Terton Chokjur Lingpa, Nesar Jamyang Tenphel, Terton Lerablingpa, Adzom Drukpa, Tokden Shakyasheri, and many more.

Jamgon Ju Mipham or Mipham Jamyang Namgyal Gyamtso who was born in 1846 and passed away in 1912 was one of the great disciples of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. He was also well-known as Mipham -the Great. He was one of the great masters of the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism. Like Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, Mipham Rinpoche was also the emanation of Manjushri. His disciples Dodrupchen -3rd, Shechen Gyeltsab, Kathok Situ, 5th Dzogchen, Adzom Drukpa, Tokden Shakyashri, Nesar Jamyang Tenphel, and so on.

His Holiness Kyabje Namkhai Nyingpo Rinpoche was born on 30th Day of Bhutanese Calendar in 1965 in Eastern Bhutan. He is 7th incarnation of Nub Namkhai Nyingpo who was the great disciple of Ugyen Guru Rinpoche. Rinpoche received detailed Wang-Lung from Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, who passed away in 1991, 4th Dodrupchen Rinpoche, Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche, Khenchen Kuenga Wangchuk and numerous other masters.  

Rinpoche bestowed Rinchen Terzey Wang-Lung in Tsenkharla in eastern Bhutan in 2006 to 2007 for more than 6 months, Kamai Wang-Lung in Phuentsholing in 2011-2012, Kunkhyen Rinzin Jigme Lingpa’s Wang-Lung in Gelephu in 2012. Rinpoche also administered various Wang-Lungs in different places in the country or outside the country. Rinpoche also presided over numerous Drupchens over so far.

The devotees from all over the country offered the Ku-Suung-Thugki Mendrel every day. The Prime Minster, Ministers, Speaker, NC Chairman, Eminent members of parliament too offered the Ku-Suung-Thugki Mendrel. The Dashos and high level officials, Arm force, Trulkus, Monks, Nuns, lay monks and lay people also offered mandrel. Businessmen and women from Jaigoan whole heartedly offered their prayers and mandrel to Rinpoche. 
Kyabje Namkhai Nyingpo Rinpoche

Mipham Kabum Wang-Lung in Phuentsholing is supported by three distinguished Jindas who held from Eastern Bhutan. The lunch and teas were sponsored by various sponsors from within and outside the country. 

More than hundreds of Lams and Trulkus, over 3000 to 5000 monks, nuns, lay monks and over 15,000 to 20,000 people gathered every day to receive Wang-Lung. 

On 26th January, Rinpoche bestowed Ju Mipham Rinpoche’s Long Life Empowerment (Tshewang). More than 50,000 to 60,000 devotees gathered to receive blessing. On Tuesday, Wang-Lung will end offering Khando Tenzhu and Buelwa to His Holiness.

The group from Bhutanese Film and crew members presented various cultural and comedy show to the His Holiness and the devotees.

Zero-tolerance on indiscipline in school is right move?

In the contemporary world of today, the school is playing an important role to impart modern education to the younger generations. The school is the temple or place for the learners to learn whatever they wish. Each and every school has their prescribed rules to be followed by the students. The students are always under the rule of particular school and the laws of education as a whole.

The discipline in school compound is one the rules that are to be followed by the students of the school. The schools have got several methodologies in teaching-learning process. There are thousands of disciplined students all over the country. But also there are thousands of undisciplined students all over the country as of now.

For further information and understanding, indiscipline in school is the person who did not follow the prescribed rules of the school. Zero-tolerance on indiscipline in school is right move? That is true and rightful for the education system in the country.

The school is collections of different tribes, class, creed, caste, religion, etc. of people from around the world. There may be hundreds and thousands of indiscipline students. No excuse or Zero-tolerance on indiscipline in school is right move as the indiscipline students may create more problems in the schools. They will go against the teachers who impart lifelong knowledge. They may fight against teachers, elders and with their friends. The person may not have feelings to be good in the school, but rather they may try to create jumble and muddle problems, which leads to low quality of education in the school. The person who is indiscipline may not think of their school, their teachers, and their elders. They may form in group and some others may also join the group. Finally, they may create tremendous problems in the society within short period of time, but will remain in the society for longer period of time. These problems may leads reputation of the school to the ground. Therefore, I would like to say that the Zero-tolerance on indiscipline in school is right move. So, no excuses for in-disciplined students in the school.

But, when there are indiscipline students in schools, the school authority should have to look in what is the main problem with that particular or group of people. The school authority should do research on what is good and bad, what is the problems and all. The internal study should be carried out; concern authority should form a group, should have to advice them, counsel them and nurture them. The indiscipline person must be given chance to get improved, excuses should be given to them. They may fight within themselves, go against teachers, but one thing that concern authority must keep in mind is that excuses are parts of their life. One day or another, that undisciplined person may become one of the remarkable and well mannered ideal people in the society. Without tolerance, one must not improve; rather they may become more indiscipline than before. Therefore, the zero-tolerance on indiscipline in school is not right move. The Zero-tolerance should be avoided and evaded from the province and territory of the schools.

The person who is indiscipline in the school must be thrown out of the school. They should not be entertained in the school because, they may go against the King, Country and People – Tsa-Wa-Sum. They may not have first rate thinking to serve the Tsa-Wa-Sum, but they will plan to go against the country. For example; during 1990s, there were major problems in Southern Bhutan. There were involved thousands of Nepalese – the native people of Nepal. They battled against the local administrators, government and so on. They created several problems within the territory of Southern Bhutan. Why did they do such? This is because, they were undisciplined people came from Nepal. Likewise, indiscipline students in the school may also create same problems in the schools and later in the country. Thus, I urge readers not to tolerate on person who is indiscipline. Therefore, the zero-tolerance on indiscipline in school is right move for the growth of good future citizens.

Whereas, the person who is indiscipline may also get improved. We should not throw out of the schools. The King, Country and People are their own Tsa-Wa-Sum. I would like to say that the problems are not only created by person who is indiscipline people, but also disciplined people. For Example; in the well developed country in the world, there will be good leader, well mannered and disciplined. But some days and years before they were ill-mannered students, they changes the mind and ruling the country. Barack Obama uses drug when he was in school, but he ruled the world after becoming the president of United States of America. These things happen in the country, not due to disciplined people, but due to their own thinking. Likewise, the undisciplined students of today may become leaders of tomorrow. So, excuses and tolerance are greatly prominent and significant weapons. Therefore, zero-tolerance on indiscipline in school is not right move.

The discipline in school is one of the key factors to shape the personal manners of the students. The discipline committee in school is formed to impart knowledge on how much important the discipline is. To be well mannered and disciplined is human traits; one should not avoid the disciplines in our life.

There are merits and demerits of discipline in schools, but the merits are more significant and prominent as being human. Discipline is one of the traits of human being. Person without discipline is like person without codes and ethics of the human being.

Therefore, I urge readers to be well mannered and disciplined than undisciplined. So, the above topic is one of the debatable issues that will enhance the knowledge. “The Zero-Tolerance on indiscipline in school is right move” I assured.

Pedestrian day is good for society or environment?

Bhutan being one of the landlocked and small countries in the world has rightly introduced the “Pedestrian Day”. The Pedestrian Day was first started on World Environment Day. This is one of the unique introductions as the Day was not marked in rest of the world.

Royal Government of Bhutan collaboration with Environment Commission of Bhutan took initiatives to mark the day as “Pedestrian Day” stopping movement of the vehicle on every Tuesdays. The stopping vehicle movement on Tuesdays has advantages for the people who walk everyday to the offices, school goers and all others like such.

Though, the topic itself gives clear justification whether it’s good for society/ environment or not. For further clarification, I will discuss its advantages and disadvantages of Pedestrian Day. I will discuss it on ‘For’ and ‘Against’ the motion.

The Pedestrian Day in Bhutan is one of the major contributions to the nation and the world. The marking or celebrating of the day has advantages in numerous ways. Bhutan is one of the mountainous countries that have got 70% of the forest covered land. Bhutan is rich in natural resources which are threatened by the carbon monoxide which is emanated from vehicles every day. No Vehicle Day or Pedestrian Day has stopped the movement of the vehicle every Tuesdays to minimize unwanted gas. The gas produced before and now has vast difference in terms of amount of unwanted gas that is produced. Thus, the Pedestrian Day has helped to minimize unwanted gas which leads to protect environment. Therefore, I would strongly believe that the Pedestrian Day is good for society or environment.

Whereas, the Pedestrian Day in Bhutan is celebrated or marked on every Tuesdays; to stop the movement of vehicle is good. The Royal Government of Bhutan had taken initiatives collaboration with Royal Bhutan Police [RBP]. They stopped movement of vehicle on every Tuesdays which minimize the unwanted gas that are produced by vehicle. But before eight in the morning and after six in evening, the movement of vehicle is double and triple. 

Thousands of people drive their own vehicle for more hours. The movement of vehicle on Tuesdays is double than that of other days. The people never thought of good for society and environment, but rather they rushes towards their destinations. So, therefore, the movement is higher on Tuesdays which produces huge amount of unwanted gas that really affects the society or environment. Therefore, I would like to support that the Pedestrian Day is not good for society or Environment.

During the Pedestrian Day office goers and school goers walks from home to the office and school. Thousands of people who have imperative works in either location may also walk to their destinations. The people who walk to the offices, to the schools and to either of their destinations may have harmonious time to enjoy their walk. To walk for long hours may help to be healthy from medical point of view. When every individual is healthy, the people will be happy forever, which will fulfill the dreams of Gross National Happiness [GNH]. So, therefore, the country’s unique Developmental Philosophy the GHN will be fulfilled. The GHN philosophy may get enhanced. Therefore, the Pedestrian Day is good in the country like Bhutan, which will help enhancing the GHN philosophy.

But, to walk for few hours and to drive for long hours is not good for health. Though, people may walk to their offices, schools, institutions, place where they want to go and etc. From my point of view, to walk less and to drive more may not fulfill the Gross National Happiness [GNH] philosophy. How does Pedestrian Day may fulfill the GNH philosophy? There is no way to fulfill the GNH philosophy. Unlike other countries in the world, Bhutanese society is filled with GNH philosophy, but still there are numerous things to be come up like other countries. The Pedestrian Day gives more anxieties and tension to people sharing the same society. So, therefore, the Pedestrian Day is not good for the society or Environment.

On Pedestrian Day, the vehicles are stopped for Ten hours in a Day on Tuesdays has minimized the use of fuels. The imports of fuel may decrease. When the import of fuel is decreased, the outflow of money is also low. When the outflow of Bhutanese currency is low, the circulation of money will remain within the country. The money circulation within the same territory, the economy of the country will remain constant and will avoid shortage of the money. That will keep society more alert in terms of economy. The developmental activities may take place which may lead to advancement of infrastructures in terms of Health and Medical care, Education, etc. Therefore, the pedestrian day is good for society and environment.

However, the fuel people used in their car may increase due to more movement of the vehicle before 'Eight' in the morning and after Six in evening. The fuel consumption is very high during that period of time. The more movement of vehicle may lead to more use of fuel. The purchase of fuel during that period of time may lead to more outflow of money. The outflow of money may lead to problems in system of economy. The economic system may get disturbed and the government may borrow money from outside. The government debt may increase to solve problems in the society which leads the country to bankruptcy. So, therefore, I would like to say that the Pedestrian Day in country like Bhutan is not good.

The pedestrian Day is not celebrated and marked in other parts of the world. Bhutan took initiatives to avoid the environment pollution due to emanated and radiated unwanted gas. The Royal Government of Bhutan first introduced its initiation on World Environment Day, 2012. From my personal point of view, I would like to say that the Pedestrian Day would be one the greatest achievement for the Society and Environment.

The day will have some minor problems but then we can solve it within short period of time. There are more advantages and disadvantages for the society or Environment. So, therefore, I would to urge readers to cope up with the policy of Pedestrian Day.

Should Bhutan promote GNH abroad?

The GNH is very important philosophy in the countries like technologically and economically backward in the world. The most of the wealthy nation takes account the 'Gross Domestic Product' (GDP). Gross Domestic Product in Bhutanese society has given least importance than the GNH. The GNH is significantly growing further popular in the Nation like Kingdom of Bhutan.

The GNH stands for Gross National Happiness. GNH was first introduced and initiated by Former King of Bhutan Jigme Singye Wangchuck in drawn of 1970s, the unique developmental philosophy with bold intensions to get well known in the country not to the world. Later on, His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyelpo enhanced the GNH philosophies, which in turn gained popular in and around the world within short span of time. Bhutan was well identified and expands its popularity to the world because of the GNH - the true therapeutic philosophy initiated by Fourth King. 

The question here is Should Bhutan promote GNH abroad? The answer for the question is discussed with positive connotations that would help understand how much GNH is an important for the rest of the countries of the world. 

The GNH have four pillars which is indeed obliging for the poor and backward countries to come up with new ideas of development. The four pillars includes; the conservation of environment, preservation of culture, sustainable development and good governance. The conversation of environment would facilitate to uphold our evergreen nature of the environment around for the future generations. Culture and tradition would be preserved and protected for generations without any changes. In country like Bhutan and other small nations of the world with very low gross domestic product and income for the people, the sustainable development would lend a hand to maintain developmental process judiciously. Then the good governance would draw closer and subsist in such countries for extensively. Therefore, I would truly say that Bhutan should promote GNH philosophies abroad.

These days, GNH gained its name and fame all over the world; be it big or small, rich or poor and technologically advanced or backward countries, they all are committed to encourage our GNH philosophy to flourish and burgeon all over the world more than what is today. These philosophies helped Bhutan gain it popularity in the universe. Our country, the Kingdom of Bhutan was visited by numerous delegation teams to see how GNH subsist in the country which is called as the Birth place of GNH. Frequently, our former Prime Minister was invited to the western countries to talk on GNH which in return got foreign aids that helped our developmental process come to unexpected accomplishment. Thus, Bhutan the birth land of GNH should promote GNH philosophies abroad. 

GNH counts a lot in every developmental process, when development of infrastructure begun, the Environment will be definitely affected, Equity will be ruined, Culture will be vanished and Governance system might change adversely. But to keep all above mentioned unaffected, ruined, vanished and changed, the GNH is appropriate guide. If we the people of the world keep in mind the 'Four Pillars' of GNH, all these things may not happen in the society rather peace and happiness may prevail undoubtedly. Therefore, GNH is vital to be promoted and encouraged to expand its philosophies all over the world.

Previous Providence

-Dendup Gyembo*

Early in the morning, he wakes up, put on the light, open the book and read for short while. He then rinsed his face; apply face creams and hair oil for healthy look. Choesham (Shrine room) opposite to his bed room is wide open. He enters the shrine room; offer Choepa (Water Offering), butter lamps, Poe (Incense offering), etc. He offers his prayers too, for benefit of all sentient beings.

His cousin woke up, when Pema finishes doing everything in line. He got out from Shrine chanting mantras. The Gurma (the religious song) is played in very near to the ground volume in shrine room.
“Good Morning, Brother,” said his cousin.
“Morning.... Brother, why you wake up early, today?” replied him.

As usual, he enters the kitchen. Tall and thin with short mustache and with low voice and speak less. He’s courage-less but, religious minded, studying in class twelve in private school in the town. He stays with uncle and aunt, after his parents passed away since he was young. The cottage belongs to his uncle and aunt who have three children, a son and daughters.

His Uncle and Aunt, hardly come home in time. They stroll into the discotheques and Drayangs (night clubs). The quarrel and fight, as and when they reach home ruins the studies of the children. Every time they come late night, under the influence of alcohol. They never care for their children. Responsibility is shouldered by him, their nephew.

He chopped an onion, chilies, tomato and potatoes for lunch for his brothers and himself. Two sisters always take some noodles for their lunch. He prepared noodles for the sisters. The rice is sweltering in the Rice cooker, vegetables are all set to be cooked, teas and snacks are ready on the table behind him.

Besides doing household works on time, he also studies well. Positively, he always encourages his cousins to study, as well. Religiously, he is really devoted and rightly practices religious philosophies.

Tok…tok…tok… “Get up,” tok...tok...tok…he knocks the door and shouts at his cousin sisters.
“Okay, brother,” responded sisters in heavy-eyed manner.

Two waked up as soon as he knocked the door. Brother finished cleansing. “Today, I have program at school, so I need not have to take lunch,” said brother Sonam. He then enters the bedroom for dressing. He followed him holding a frying pan. “What’s program?” asked him.

Sonam shared to him stating programs in the school in detail. He’s studying in tenth standard nearby their cottage. He’s short and fat, with fair complexion. He’s good in playing basketball, even though weak in studies. He always carries basketball at home, school and also during weekends. He never studies well.

Meanwhile two sisters got readied for school. Yeshey and Tashi are twin sisters studying in eighth standard with their brother. Two of them are not good in studies but well established and good mannered. He always usher them to be good always.

They are always dropped to the school by their private driver, Wangdra, who stays with them for last six years, assigned by their parents. Father and mother didn’t pay attention since the birth; they were took care by him, who stays with them since he was in class eight after his parents died in accident.
“Do study hard and do not engage in gratuitous things,” he advised.
“Thank you, brother for your kind advice,” Cousins responded.

Four of them got in the car parked behind the house. They giggled while are being seated in the car.

His words are always respected by cousins; they all are below averaged in studies but good in co-curricular activities; always go school in the morning via Chorten (Stupa) nearby their cottage. They circumambulate and pray for their well being and success; their parents to stop fighting and quarrelling, come home early and give them love and care.

He’s eldest of all; he have to look after the cousins. Despite children are not good in studies, parents never encourage them but they increase the frequency of their quarrel at home; disturbs children studying at their respective rooms.

The children's studies are completely ruined by parents repeated quarrelling and fighting at home. Pema took care of all the three. He learned that Uncle have girlfriend of equivalent age of his eldest son. Aunt too was flirting, mingling and loitering with high school boys in the city.

The house was under the management of Pema. Their children didn't study well at school knowing the fact of dad and mom engaging in extra-marital affairs. He guided them and regularly advised them.

“Do not get hurt when parents get in such extra-marital relation. Our responsibility is to study well and make our life good,” said Pema.
The cousins just nodded their head without few words.

“We came from penniless family, on top that, we are not good in studies although we should not ruin our life. It’s all due to our previous fortunes.”

He devotes his time on religious chatting; religious philosophies are believed. He has faith in what he does; what comes on his way. He believes in god being desperately looking at them and blessing them anytime. “I know our life is full of ups and downs, there are many merits and demerits, every sun rise ushers in opportunities for those who retain faith in themselves; so we should always build our ability to grab the opportunities that are on our track,” Pema shared.

After many years of chaos and disorder in the family, children cried for their parents’ separation. The parents got split up at the end of the year, then. Indeed, separation is painful for all but for them it didn’t harm as they were unfaithful to each other. Father went with his girlfriend who is staying in northern part of the town.

Mother back at home realized the situation of their children leading with sorrowful life; she managed the time to be with them, help them study well. She stopped loitering with high school boys. She gives time for their children and Niece to come up with positive notions on studies.

“I’ve been out loitering in the streets since your dad has extra-marital affairs,” said mother.
She apologize them for missing her time for guiding them in various steps of the life. Mother, being away from several without giving time for them, she cried a lot in the presence of children. “I’ll take care of you all even though I am being single mother”.

Pema and his cousins got enough time for his studies, they have started studying hard. The children are happy with their mother being with them all the time. They could experience the love and care of their mother in reality now.

The brother and sisters believed in his words that were shared to them few months back. All of them dedicated their precious time on their studies. Aunt carried out all the household works which was responsibility of him, prior to.

One day, before annual exam starts, Aum Euden took her children and Pema to the monastery nearby. Early in the morning, she prepared the breakfast, packed lunch for the day. She gets readied for their journey to monastery. Children got up and within very short span of time, they get ready and journey started.

The group of five journeyed to monastery, then. The journey was fantastic for all of them.

The exam started for all. He and his cousins put extra efforts during exam time. “God, help me in exam time without illness. Let’s appear exams well.” He prayed.

He topped the class during Unit test. Sonam and his sisters too have brought good result. They got united and everything comes true and with well established way. Then the final exams of the children are scheduled at the end of November. They were working hard to bring good result.

“Since I was young, I could not do well in anything. Now it’s my time to do well.” He promised himself.

Meanwhile, Ap Tashi, who married to a young lady, ruin his life drinking heavily. He was under domination of the step mother. He never turn back home, never guided his son and daughters. He’s terminated from his office. He worked as Chartered Accountant in the well-known company. His wife gave birth to baby boy.

Mother who works as Deputy Chief Administration Officer was promoted to the Chief. Following day, the classes twelve and ten results declared. Pema and his brother performed well. He scored high marks; he’s selected for the scholarship.

Sonam, who studied in class ten, was promoted to government junior college in the town. He joined the school for next session in class eleven.

By the mid June, Pema flew for further studies under the government scholarship. Cousins wait for their turn to come sooner than later.

*Dendup Gyembo is B.A. Sociology [Honors] graduate from North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, North-East India. He is person who has keen interest to write the stories, essays, researches, poems, etc. apart from preparing and hunting for employment. He studied Humanity subject in lower classes. His motivating work for his write ups was he won Fourth position in Disaster Risk Reduction Day Essay writing competition organized by Department of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs, at National level, 2008. His English teacher aggravated him to practice writing more and concentrate on writing well.

Until now, he wrote hundreds of essays. He is one of the many bloggers with domain name www.dendupgyems.blogsopt.com and contributor for ‘MY SAY’ column in Kuensel, the National Newspaper. He wrote responding writing based few books.