Sunday, December 01, 2013

World AIDS Day –December 1, 2013

“Getting to Zero” – Towards ensuring Zero Parents to child transmission of HIV

Today is the Day that is celebrated all over the world to mark as World AIDS Day. The theme for this year is “Getting to Zero” – Towards ensuring Zero Parents to child Transmission of HIV. The theme this year also includes Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. And Zero AIDS related deaths. To success the theme framed for this, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other related organizations and the people from all over the world including our country – Bhutan is celebrates the day, today.

To commemorate the day, I on my behalf of we, the people of Bhutan and on my own behalf, convey message how HIV/AIDS – the dangerous disease transmit or spreads from person to person and measures to prevent it.

The disease HIV/AIDS transmit or spreads through various means of unsocial acts, such as unprotected and multiple sex partners, sharing needles and blades, sharing injecting equipments, pregnancy, childbirth and breast feeding, and many more.

To conquer or overcome this disease, we should be faith with our partner (Spouses; Husband or wife), use condom while engaging in multiple sex partners (Other than husband or wife or with known and unknown men or women), do not share needles and blades, injecting equipments, do not breast feed the child after birth (Only AIDS infected mothers) and get tested now and then.

If you are free of HIV/AIDS today perhaps you will be HIV Positive tomorrow if you do not be faithful. One thing the AIDS spreads all over the world and within the country is due to multiple sex partners as reported. When we look at the face, we cannot judge the person is infected with HIV/AIDS but when we engage in unprotected sex with them then we will know the fact. However, we have prevention to be free of HIV/AIDS, avoid having multiple sex partners, sharing needles, etc.

As Kuensel reported prior to World AIDS Day, the most infected groups of people are unemployed, following farmers and private/Business people. Therefore, there is very high need to advocate those regarding AIDS. The students/trainees mark the least infected due to awareness programs organized and campaigns going on for several times. I would urge our government or other organization to take greater initiatives to advocate in schools, colleges and institutions as they will share to their family and friends regarding such.

There are many ways to keep ourselves away from HIV/AIDS. We can be uninfected with HIV/AIDS forever. The HIV/AIDS cannot be transmitted through, hugging, kissing, handshake, sharing bed without sex, sharing toilet, sharing utensils, mosquito bites, using condom while having sex.

Consequently, save yourself and your loved ones from the HIV/AIDS. Advocate the people in rural and urban with helping heart to keep them away from HIV/AIDS. This is hazardous or treacherous disease which takes the life inviting numerous diseases within very short span of time.

Make commitment to what you truly feel and fight against it.

“Commitment is our priority; use Condoms to keep ourselves free from HIV/AIDS”.