Thursday, June 05, 2014

Environment/Green/Pedestrian Day

Druk Wangyel Lhakhang and beautiful environment of Dochula

Our country is the birth place of Gross National Happiness (GNH). GNH states Four Pillars and Nine Domains. One of the important pillars is ‘Conservation of Environment’. We celebrate Social Forestry Day on 2nd June, every year coinciding with Our Fourth Dragon King, His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck’s coronation Day, which is also one of the steps that we are taking forward to conserve our pristine environment.

Well, we all are living in the midst of the ENVIRONMENT, but do we know what environment really means? According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the environment is, “the air, water and land in or on which people, animals and plants live”. To my point of view, the environment is fresh and clean nature in and around us where we lived in ever since we are born. The environment gives life to us.

Our pristine vicinity in and around us are gorgeous and tremendously inexpressible in black and white. Owing to pleasant environment around us, we the people of Bhutan and the world as a whole, get fresh air to breath, moderate place to live and so on. Our country today has approximately 70.46 percent forested areas, which is our ENVIRONMENT. We all know that we are born in beautifully landscaped country in the world. This is how our ENVIRONMENT is significant for the people in the world.

Our environment which is tremendously overwhelming and fastidious to see it is visited by thousands and lakhs of tourists from around the world. We get foreign aids which help or insisting to protect our attractive environment. From environment, we the people of world get fresh air and clean place to live in. Therefore, we are solely responsible to heed our environment for the future of younger generations. 

Our country is filled with trees and shrubs, swift flowing rivers and streams, fresh and clean air, many species of animals and birds due to beautiful environment around. As a result of swift flowing rivers, our hydro power projects are generating huge amount of money and many are coming up soon. There are many protected areas, where numbers of species of plants and shrubs are preserved, many endangered animals and birds, and many more are conserved.

Snow fall in high altitude
To conserve environment and to mark World Environment Day, our country celebrate Pedestrian Day. No movement of vehicle for a day, which will minimize unwanted air or gases that are produced from engines of the vehicles, which impairs environment a lot.

On the World Environment Day, I commit myself not to harm environment by cutting down trees and plants, etc. I will preserve it for the younger generations and beauty of the country. I will conserve environment to fulfill one of the four pillars of the Gross National Happiness (GNH).

Happy Environment or Green Day!