Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What is the effect of Media coverage on Election?

Our country being landlocked is under developing in terms of anything. The media houses too have not developed well compared to media houses of the world. The media and media person in the world is most powerful person. Media person will rise whatever they feel. Thus, media is above all. The media in our country plays a vital role in our young democratic Bhutan. The media coverage in election will have negative and positive effects when election is in swing. Likewise, media coverage of election gives people a chance to think before they cast their precious votes. The positive and negative effects are discussed as below.

The media coverage in Bhutanese society during election has positive effects on every voter. If the parties formed and contesting for the election will share their ideologies, manifestos, and many more for the entire people of the country though media. When they do such in media, they indirectly introduce themselves to the voters far and around. The voters will gain confidence on party and will decide for which party or candidate they will vote for. The good decision would be taken before the election. As a result, media coverage has positive effect for the voters who genuinely vote for.
While, media focal person interviews and ask several questions regarding parties weaknesses and so on during panel discussion and during an interview will affect party in various ways. Through media, people in and around will know how government has ruled before and how party elects will rule henceforth. Media will give true picture of party and its candidates contesting for the primary and general elections. The media have right to question and broadcast and print news for public interest, where parties and its aspiring candidate lose votes or supporters. Consequently, the media coverage in Bhutan has negative effect on election.

The media coverage gives people the information on parties and candidates. It may led people understand the real pictures of the parties. For instance, Bhutanese political parties and its aspiring candidates follow social media - 'FACEBOOK, TWITTER, etc.' creating public figures. They do campaigns in social media and increase supporters from around the country. Therefore, media coverage has positive effects on election.

But, through media, some parties make false pledges and promises to alter voter’s mind. They release persuasive advertisement for the interest of supporters and well wishers. These false pledges will change mind of supporters to support other parties. Some people change their mind after hearing, seeing and reading criticizing news regarding parties. That will adversely affect the parties to lose the supporters. Thus, the media coverage has negative effects on Election.

Election should be free, fair and liberty for the people should be exercised. Through, media, one may get chance to decide which party is better and which parties one should support for. One can always exercise his franchise on election. Election commission announces the date and time for polls, results - who wins and who lost through media. If the media coverage is 100% then people will be informed thoroughly. The person who sits in corner of his house in far flung village will get news on election and its consequences. Corruption is judged by people through news. In some case, candidates bribe the eligible voters. When bribes are in full swing, media person and media houses may publish in news. When news is read by people around, it will directly or indirectly make people aware of how corrupted the candidates and party is. Thus, the people who want to exercise their electoral franchise will take decision well. He/she will know which party and candidates are good to for the country and its people. Social media also encourages and discourages eligible voters to vote for right, intelligent, ambitious for country's developmental activities not for their own betterment. Hence, media coverage has positive effects on election.

Whereas, election commission of Bhutan restricts social media coverage to blackout for last 48 hours before election is held. Announcement and party related issues in broadcasting services are quitted, which adversely affect people at last movement. Media should be given full authority and liberty to write, criticize the parties and candidates for successful democracy in the country. The criticism is 'Beauty of Democracy', without critics and all, democracy may not be successful. How does criticism be publicized? The criticism will reach to the public through media id only the media coverage well. When critics criticize the party or candidates and their pledges, they will lose supporters immediately, which return gains less votes. These all are just because of the coverage of media not because of contesters’ decision. Therefore, the media coverage will adversely affect the election and electoral process.

The media in Bhutan is full swing. Media is growing day by day, plays important roles in electoral process, keeps people connected and informed each and every thing that election commission does, corruption and corrupted people were legally announced through news, charged under the rule of law, party's pledges and promises whether right or wrong were publicized, and so on. Therefore, people who are eligible voters will always have chance to decide whichever party is better and good for the people. Thus, they can exercise their electoral franchise in crystal clear way. 
Vote for growth of nation with vibrant democratic process, not for growth of individuals.

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